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Online terms and conditions


The following terms and conditions apply to the use of The Co+Laboration Company (hereafter called ‘Co+Laboration’) website (hereafter called ‘Site’). By accessing the Site, users are deemed to have read and accepted the Online Terms and Conditions (‘Terms and Conditions’) set out herein.





This Site is owned and operated by Co+Laboration.  Users will be able to access any information and data on the Site without going through a registration process.  If the users have any enquiry or are interested in participating in any events, they are required to complete an (online) application form.  Use of the personal information provided by applicants in such application forms is governed by our Privacy Policy.



Proprietary rights


The Site and all information therein are the property of Co+Laboration and all relevant copyright belongs to Co+Laboration. Copying, reproducing, republishing, distributing or modifying the information on the Site without prior written permission of Co+Laboration is strictly prohibited.  Being the property of Co+Laboration or any such third party including advertisers, sponsors, endorsers or partners as indicated, all trademarks, photos, videos, visuals, logos (hereafter called ‘Images’) appearing on the Site cannot be downloaded, replicated or snapshotted (hereafter termed ‘Used’) in any circumstances, without the prior written permission of Co+Laboration, unless it is indicated otherwise on the Site.  In such circumstances where it is clear that a trademark or logo can be Used, any Use of such Images must be strictly followed in accordance with the Use as indicated on the Site at the time the Images are Used. In no circumstances is a user entitled to alter or modify such Image.



Third-party information


The information available on the Site may contain information provided by third parties or from other sources or references. Whilst Co+Laboration takes responsible steps to ensure the accuracy of the information provided by the third parties, such third-party information is not under the control of Co+Laboration, who therefore do not take any responsibility for any loss arising from any inaccuracies contained in any of the information provided by the third parties.



Links to third-party sites and materials


Users should be aware that links can take them to third-party webpages, as well as manuals, brochures and other forms of information (hereafter called ‘Sources’), the contents of which do not come within the sphere of responsibility of Co+Laboration. These links are recognisable as such from the context, or they are specifically marked as shortcuts to the third-party Sources.  Co+Laboration expressly distances itself from any information that is accessed via the aforesaid links.  In addition, the inclusion of such third-party links on the Site does not necessarily imply Co+Laboration’s recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed therein.  Any use of the links will be subject to the terms and conditions, as stated on the third-party Sources.  Such third-party Sources’ owners shall bear sole responsibilities for the accuracy and quality of the content thereof.  Any information disclosed by the users on any such third-party Sources will be subject to the privacy policies of the third-party Sources’ owners, and will not in any circumstances be deemed to be collected from Co+Laboration.





Users are not required to provide any information or personal details to use the Site unless required. The terms and conditions that govern the collection of personal data are contained within the online application forms.  All information and personal data gathered from such online application forms are covered under Co+Laboration’s Privacy Policy.



Disclaimer and liability


The information contained on the Site is for general purposes only.  Whilst Co+Laboration strives to keep the information up to date and accurate, it makes no representations, nor does it give any warranties, expression or implication in relation to the accuracy or completeness of any information in respect of the Site or any third-party Sources accessible through the Site.

Users of the Site agree that Co+Laboration will not be liable to them or any third party for any damages or loss that they may incur in relation to the use of the Site or any services available therein.



Changes to the Site and to the Terms and Conditions


Co+Laboration reserves the right to make changes to the Site and to the Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice to users. Any use of the Site after the Terms and Conditions have been amended will be in accordance with the new Terms and Conditions, and any use of the amended Site will confirm the users’ acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions.



Code of speech


Without holding any subjective point of view, Co+Laboration attempts to ensure the event platforms it develops or manages are neutral for participants who are (but not limited to) speakers, panellists, moderators, master of ceremony, facilitators and officials, audience members, exhibitors, sponsors as stakeholders of supply chains of various industries all over the world (hereafter called 'Participants'), to discuss and express opinions in the format of dialogues, writing or demonstration (hereafter called 'Opinions') on improving their businesses or economies.


Co+Laboration takes reasonable steps to ensure the Opinions provided by the Participants are accurate and of merit.  However, such Opinions are not under the control of Co+Laboration and therefore Co+Laboration will not be liable for any legal or financial responsibility for the Opinions expressed and held in any format by the Participants on behalf of themselves or their organisations.


As an event organiser or manager, Co+Laboration stays neutral and does not hold any points of view to try to influence its Participants.


Members of the press are required to receive consent from specific Participants before they undertake to record and/or report the relevant Opinions accordingly.  The organiser takes effective measures to ensure members of the press follow this Code of Speech, despite the fact that the responses of thepress are not under the total control of the Organiser. Therefore, the Organiser does not take any legal or financial obligations on any possible loss by the Participants and the related organisations in case there are members of thepress whofail to receive consent from the Participants before the Opinions are released.



Governing laws


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.



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The Co+Laboration Company is registered in Hong Kong under the governance of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

All rights reserved. Copyright ©2024

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